The title speaks for itself ><. Everything like went wrong and though half of it was my fault, I'm still going to complain about it lol
1. Forgot umbrella so I was wet waiting for the bus
2. Lots of traffic (I took the 6:53am bus to try to get to work at around 8:00am to set up and run a Western, but ended up getting to work at 8:30am)
3. Gel didn't harden in 5mins when it usually does so when I poured off the butanol, I also poured off the gel, so I had to remake it and ended up being like 10mins late to lab meeting (and the only time my manager isn't 30mins late)
4. Manager refused to wait for me for 2mins while I finished setting up a transfer for a gel (We were going to help another facility in South Boston perfuse mice and were supposed to take the taxi there. I'd never been there before and he wanted me to take the taxi there and find where it was by myself)
5. I got on the wrong taxi (hei ren told me I was on the right one when I asked, but after we drove for like 2mins, another taxi came from behind screaming "That's my fare that you're taking!" at my taxi driver)
6. I got lost when we got there and wandered around for like 10mins before I finally found the place (The main entrance didn't have a sign and when I asked someone, they didn't know where it was. Then when I finally found the main entrance, the place I was supposed to go to was at a side entrance on some street according to a sign inside the main entrance, so I wanderd around until I found the side entrance. My manager never told me about any of this, just the address...)
7. When we were inside, they told us to do a few things to help and my manager was just like "You do it" while he either hovered over their shoulders or sitting around and staring into space. I was obviouslu exhausted from doing his stuff and mine)
8. While blocking my blots, someone had changed some settings on the rocker, so partway, my blots fell from the containers they were in! (Has never happened and isn't supposed to ever happen but of couse, it happened yesterday...)
9. Didn't get any school emails and I was thinking "Good, if I get any emails from schools today, it'll probably be a rejection. Two hours later, I get an email from a school and as I predicted, rejection :( (or rather "Interview Decline")
10. I was about to leave work at 3:50 so I could go back to sleep the day off but right as I'm about to leave, my manager calls me back for a 40min lesson/lecture idk what it was about labeling tubes for tomorrow's dissection... so I ended up taking the 4:49 bus to Central
11. At Alewife, I was the first person in line when the 76 bus came (yay), but the driver refused to open the door (idk why) and was sitting in the bus staring at the increasing line outside for like 10mins...
12. Because I was exhausted from the day, I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop, so I had to walk an extra 10mins home.
-sigh- What a day!
I hope this horrible day is foreshadowing to a good one where I might actually get accepted to med schools!